Five Minute Friday: Beauty

Wow. It has just been too long since I wrote on my little think-space. All the thoughts & experiences & feelings that have occurred & are occurring my life & my head are certainly too much to try to put into one post or even a series of posts. Yet, Friday is the day to write, & since I haven't in so long, now's the time. Especially with such a fabulous, inspiring word as Beauty is. Start. I wish I could adequately describe the beauty that I experienced today. I had a quiet drive down the backroads of my lovely Southern state. Very few cars, very few houses, just the woods silently growing & swaying in the early spring loveliness. A controlled burn has blackened the piney woods & reddened the underbrush in what they might imagine (if trees could imagine) would be the death of them. But it won't be. The painful searing will be what ultimately saves them. The wood-boring bugs & the twining vines will be kept at ba...