Five Minute Friday: Free

Today Kate Motaung's ( word for Five Minute Friday is Free.  So, here I go!


When I think of the word "free" so many things come to mind.  Our national freedom, hard earned through great sacrifice and the favor of God Almighty, & my spiritual freedom bought by the Blood of Jesus Christ Who gives me freedom from sin.  But there's another freedom I have been thinking about.  It all started this afternoon after I called to talk to a friend of mine about a Wednesday night kid's Bible program.  At some point as we discussed curriculum, Mrs. S said, "I know that you worry alot about things, so I don't want you worrying about this one, okay?"  I was offended.  You don't know me very well, Mrs. S, what gives you the right to think that I am a worrier?  I thought.  It nagged at me after I got off the phone.  What did she mean?  Am I a worrier?   
  I hate worry.  It plagues certain people in my family and irritates me so much.  I guess, for one reason, because I am afraid that it might be contagious, that my being around worriers might make me one.  So am I??  Wow.  
  In Christ, I can be free of worry, knowing that Jesus has all things in His control.  Knowing that my future, my eternal future, is secure in His Hands, that He is capable & I have  nothing to fret about.  A dear friend of mine, actually Mrs. S's daughter, (the irony), said to me once, "Worrying is sin because it means that we don't believe that God is big enough to handle the things we face."  Big Enough. 


Lord, with Thy help, I certainly want to take advantage of the freedom You offer me--the blessing I can have of being free from worry. 


  1. Amen! I am a worrier and I know it - but I am doing everything possible to be free from it - because Jesus tells us not to worry. And our God is big enough to handle anything I could ever worry about!


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