Five Minute Friday: Try

It's Friday again and I'm linking up with the great writers at Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday weekly writing party!   The word for today is Try.   Whew!


 One of my childhood memories that even now carries over into adulthood is my Mother's encouragement at mealtimes to get her children to "Try just a little bit of everything served."  Even if we didn't think we would like it, or even if we knew we didn't like it, we were told to get a bite-sized portion.  To this day, I love almost every food, probably as a direct result of her training.
 I remember coming in contact with a wonderful older man when I was in my teens.  He was a top maker who sold his toys at a family-friendly museum-like center.  There he taught people young and old how to throw his tops just right and make them spin.  My family stayed on and on until we finally had it mastered.  I was sobered when he pointed out, "So many young people I try to teach quit so easily."  His words stuck with me and encourage me even now not to quit too soon.  As a college student, I have at times experienced feelings of being overwhelmed at what is required of me, but I know, if I keep on going, keep trying, I can succeed.

I've run out of time, but I have to add something a dear Sunday school teacher told his class once.  "It's only the quitters who are failures.  Those who make mistakes but get up and try again are the ones who succeed."   Those who belong to Christ have His Holy Spirit and the promise of His great strength for those things they attempt to do for His Name's Sake.  Whatever the LORD leads His people to do, He will help them to accomplish.  It's our job to trust Him and to try!


  1. Wow. I'd forgotten about some of those memories. Great job sis! And thanks for introducing me to "Five Minute Friday" :) !

    Soli Deo Gloria!


    1. Glad to have you join the team, Kyrie! Love you!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you for your kind comment, Ms. Denise!


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