God's Plans and the Inspiring Lady Mary Jane Ponten

  I just finished watching the story of Mary Jane Ponten's life.  http://www.joniandfriends.org/television/mary-jane-ponten-gods-perfect-time/   I have long been drawn to disability and disability ministry.  I grew up hearing about Joni Eareckson Tada.  I grew up with regular trips to visit my mother's younger brother who was paralyzed from the neck down following a car accident.  I grew up going to a church that had a Deaf ministry, whose director's son was a sunny young man who zipped around in a wheelchair and smiled at anyone around him.  Because of what Jesus Christ has done in my life, forgiving me of my sins and promising to keep me forever, I want to do something with this life He's loaned me.  He has given me a passion for those who don't look exactly like everyone thinks they should.  They aren't disabled really.  They may have challenges different from mine, but each and every person has been created beautifully and wonderfully by our Great Creator.  I'm not sure where this passion of mine will lead, but as I pray and move forward, I add fuel to the fire inside me by watching the videos on the Joni & Friends website http://www.joniandfriends.org/television/ & by soaking up as much about disabilities that I can.
  Mary Jane's story inspires me.  As I watched, I found myself praying, "Lord, if You can use her, would You use me?"  I know that His plans are incredible and I look forward to what He is doing with me now and what He will do in the future!


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