Rotten Potatoes

{DISCLAIMER: Those with weak stomachs, read at your own risk!}

  It was drizzily when I left church.  My umbrella kept me dry as I crossed the parking lot, but I felt weary and sad with the grayness of the afternoon.  Any other day like this I would have exulted at the atmosphere, but something was wrong with me.  I lugged myself into the car.  My umbrella slapped my ankles as I climbed in, a cold wet slap, and I felt cold as it slapped me, cold and unfeeling.   I pulled out of the parking lot and drove slowly.  I was so numb.   
  “Lord, something’s wrong with me.” I began to pray and gradually confess the gunk of sin in my heart.   There was the envy I felt toward one person, the jealousy that they had what I did not.  The bitterness I felt for not having and not knowing if I ever would.  Something about starting to confess my sins to my Shepherd was like the glimmer from a door cracked open, letting light into a pitch black room I was locked in.  There was hope!  This was right, to confess my wrongs to my Master!  “I have gone astray, dear Shepherd; I’m the sheep that’s wandered away from You.”
  As I thought about the putridness of my heart, I was reminded of an instance that had happened not many days before.  I was at my uncle’s family’s house.  They were moving and I was helping them by taking over the kitchen to free up the family for packing.  My poor cousins were so overwhelmed with packing that several items had been neglected in the kitchen.  In one spot I found a paper bag filled with potatoes.  Something wasn’t right, though.  No, not just “not right,” something stunk!  I put my hand into the bag and reached down among the potatoes trying to find the “root of the problem” (pun intended).  I realized quickly what a bad idea that was as my hand found the vegetable and I nearly gagged.  The rotten potato had deteriorated to such a degree that it had affected it’s neighboring cousins and was stinking up it’s corner of the world.  How disgusting thing! 
  How much more disgusting my heart, stinking from the rottening affect of sin, contaminating those around me!   Thank You, Precious Father, for hearing me when I pray to You, for being merciful to forgive me when I cry out to You, for waiting patiently until I realize how desperately I need You, for always being available, for cleansing me of my sin completely.  I shake my head in awe over You, Precious Lord! 


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