Five Minute Friday: Find

 It's Friday and the word of the day is Find!
(Hop over to Kate Motaung's blog to see what trails my fellow-writers followed with this word!)
Years ago, when I was a little girl, the choir at the church we were part of sang a beautiful song called "Find Us Faithful." It stuck in my head and I would sing it and loved it.  For years I have thought of this song and sang it off and on, but recently, the thought of faithfulness and the Lord's returning to find us, in whatever condition we're in, has been on my mind.  I've been saddened and discouraged by some things at my church.  It seems that I'm finding lack of interest in the things of the Lord, lack of willingness and eagerness to serve and put the time into Bible study so that we can be an effective, God-centered people.  What happens when there are no workers to be found?  what happens if no good, faithful workers stay to carry on the work of the Lord and to advance His Kingdom?  Well, I know that in the days of Elijah, he thought he was the last one, yet there were many, many others who had stayed faithful to the Lord, Elijah just didn't know it.  If the Lord returned today, though, how would He find me?  I've been so concerned and saddened about the spiritual state of my brothers and sisters in Christ, but will the Lord find me faithful?  So, today, I am praying for revival not only for my church but in my own life.  I'm praying that the sin in me would be overcome by the mighty power of my precious Lord.  I desire that the Lord would return and that He would find faith on His earth.  Our work is not done, I must be found faithful.


  1. Amen! It's high time for the lackadaisical attitude of Christianity today to be awakened so we can all be found faithful! Thanks for your spin on this excellent FMF prompt!

    1. Hello, Sara!
      It's so easy for me to think I'm where I need to be, only to realize that I'm not, precisely because I'm judging others for not being where they need to be! If it were not for the mercy and forgiveness of the Lord, I would have sunk my own ship long ago!
      Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yes, Trissy! I am praying for a revival in my own life and in the lives of everyone in the body of Christ! This world is moving farther and farther away from God's truth and sometimes I feel discouraged - what kind of world will we live in 10 years from now... or what world will my kids be growing up in? - but then I remember that God has already won over all of this! Jesus has conquered the world and now IS the time for revival, to draw as many lives as possible to the Lord before His second coming!

    Beautiful writing! I love your passion for revival and staying on fire for Jesus!
    Amy @

  3. Dear Amy,
    I am touched and encouraged by your words. (You're doing exactly what Hebrews 10:24 says to do!) Amen! Our Lord has won and is the Victor! What a glorious and weighty responsibility we as God's people have, as you put it, to be "draw[ing] as many lives as possible to the Lord" (love that word picture!)!
    Thanks for stopping by!


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