Five Minute Friday: Here

It's Friday again and time to team up with Kate Motaung and the gang at FMF blogger party!
The word for this week is: Here


The summer course is over, I've turned in my last test.  The LORD helped me all the way and I'm so thankful and excited to be done.  Now for a week or two free before the fall schedule starts.  But what then? And what before then? And what after then?  I find myself again to be in need of coming before my gracious Master and saying, "LORD, I am here.  Whatever You want to do with me now and in the future, take me and use me.  I'm not sure what Your will is for me, what Your intentions are, but I know that they are for my good, because You are good.  You do all things for my good, and most importantly for Your Glorious Name to be exalted.  So, LORD, use me, do whatever You want to do.  I offer my life, I am here for You, dear Potter.  Who else is here with me on the altar?  May  I be used by You to be an encouragement to them as they continually surrender their lives to Your purposes.  What else is at stake, what else is here being offered?  My strength, my talents, my lack of sleep, my cluelessness, my brains, my can't-compute-don't-comprehend-ness, my family, my friends.  All these dear gifts belong to You.  You loaned them to me and with Your help I surrender them back to You.  I lay them down here at Your feet for You to take and turn them into something that will exalt You and Your Precious Son, Jesus Christ.  You also are here, LORD.  And that is the most important fact.  The fact that I don't mindlessly offer myself and all I love to something or someone who doesn't care.  You are here and You tenderly and sweetly take my little gifts and hold them for me."


So what about you, dear reader?  What does "here" mean to you?  And, more importantly, are you at the place in your life where you have surrendered to Jesus Christ to be the Lord of your life?  Have you realized your sinfulness and His righteousness?  Do you know how much He loves you, that He came to this earth, lived a sinless life, and died taking the punishment which we all deserve?  Do you know that He rose again three days after He died, showing Himself to be totally different than any other god or leader?  Do you know that anyone who calls out to Him for forgiveness of sins, anyone who surrenders to His being their Master and Lord, will be heard by Him, will be forgiven and blessed with His kind Lordship?  I would like to challenge you to think about this.  Ask God to show you whether my words are right or not; let Him be your God and the Ruler of Your life! 


  1. Stopping in from the Five Minute Friday. I found myself praying your beautiful prayer right along with you! Thank you for sharing!

  2. Thanks for sharing that heartfelt prayer. I never thought of offering my own cluelessness to God as a "gift", but He can redeem anything, right? Why not! Love it!

    1. Hello, Ms. Elizabeth! Amen! Our God is the Great Redeemer, even of those things we can't imagine Him being able to redeem! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. Trissy,
    thank you. This prayer was heartfelt (and way to go in just five minutes!) It's all about Him, truly. So glad to be on the same team with you. :) Looking forward to seeing your future posts. Thanks again for visiting mine!
    Tammy (#5 on fmf this week)


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