Five Minute Friday: Learn

  It's Friday again & I am excited about the word for this week's Five Minute Friday!  (Visit my other blogging companions at !)  The word is Learn, so here I go! 

  There's a wonderfully, exciting time that sometimes arrives in my heart since I've become an adult.  It's the new-wonderful feeling that comes, when it comes, at the start of a new school year.  There's something about learning that just sends such an excitment into my heart!  
  Kyrie is the secretary at the Christian school in town.  I visited her there recently and thrilled at the boxes of school boxes packaged up and ready to be cracked open by eager little minds, bright, energetic blank slates ready to be written on.  I remember those special open house parties my mother would throw for us when we were starting a new homeschool year.  She would lay out all our new textbooks, arranging them enticingly on a table and invite The Grandparents over for a snack/supper.  It was so fun to look at those blank pages and think of filling them with my neatest, nicest handwriting!  Of course, the fun wore off in a day or so, but still, that little-girl feeling comes over me and I'm excited for students, (and myself, a student who will soon be started a new college year).  
You know, in God's Word, the Bible, He tells us of the importance of us being ready learners, eager listeners for His words, ready to take in and do what He tells us.  When we refuse to listen to Him, we put ourselves in grave danger.  It is always good for us to have open hearts to take in what He would have us know and put into practice.  
 Today, what is the LORD saying to me?  What do I need to learn of Him?  (Time's up.)  He says in Matthew 11:28-30, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly of heart: and you shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light."  

(I did just a bit of editing....  Hope that's okay, y'all...)


  1. You're right, the fun did wear off in a day or two, but I remember those parties always made another year look not quite so bad!

    Soli Deo Gloria!


  2. Always loved the start of a new school year! May we be eager learners and listeners this school year!


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