It's Friday and.....!

Good morning everyone! 
 It's Friday! And that means.....War Room opened in theaters at midnight last night!!  You were thinking I was going to say, "'s time for Five Minute Friday," didn't you?  Well, I will get to that soon, Lord willing, but for now, I am super-excited thinking about another excellent film from the Kendrick brothers!  This time, their movie focuses on prayer and I can hardly wait to see it this evening!
 Prayer is the greatest tool that those who believe in Jesus Christ possess!  How often do we make use of this invaluable resource, though?  I would challenge you (and most of all, myself!) to seek the Lord and begin meeting with Him more regularly. As you go throughout your day, do you find yourself turning to Him with an important decision (big or little)?  Do you find yourself praising Him when you see His marvelous creation or do you thank Him when you realize the blessings He showers on you or the ways He protects you?  Our Creator is great and worthy of all praise!  He desires that His people be in constant communication with Him!  
 If you haven't heard about the Kendrick brothers or haven't heard about their newest film, I would encourage you to check them out and to go see their movie!  
 If you've already seen War Room (since it opened at midnight), I'd like to high-five you!  Those the consumer-movie statistics really watch what happens on opening weekend and it would be great for them to see an out-pouring of support for this movie from the Christian community!


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