Five Minute Friday: Doubt

The day is Friday.
The word is Doubt.
The time is starting...
Right Now!

What alot I could say about the savage Doubt! 
It's like a slave-driver, relentless, pursuing, evil.
What a horrid bondage the Lord has realeased me from!
  I once was held captive by this foe!  For years I struggled with wondering the most important question of a soul's existence: Am I right before the eyes of my Creator?
  I had had "an experience" when I was a child, but at the age of twelve I began to wonder what had happened in those childhood moments.  I was without rest: I did not know whether I had truly repented of my sins before Jesus Christ, whether I had believed as I should have.  The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord in repentance for their sins and in faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection, can be saved.  For some reason though, I grappled with question after question.  I worried, I dreaded church-related activities. I could get so sick emotionally, but one day, 
the Lord showed me that "the hour I first believed" He had saved me. 
  You see, it wasn't up to me whether I was strong enough in faith to believe, or whether I had said the right words in a prayer to Him.

It was all His doing. 

He had reached down and saved me and there was no need for me to struggle against that monster Doubt any longer! 
  Christ freed me from his grip and what a relief I felt! 
  Yes, there are days that I have still wondered, still struggled, but what a victory Christ won for me once and for all on the cross and then in my new life against Doubt!


I have to say, one of the reasons that I did struggle with doubt was because of my being so young when I had "that experience".  During my time of questioning and unrest, I would pray over and over, "Lord, please save me! Forgive me for my sins!"  I believed in Him, but I had so many questions. The journey was not an easy one; at times I would wonder when (or if) I would ever be free, whether I would ever know that my eternal destiny was secure and safe, whether I could move forward with  life, calm in the fact that I had been forgiven of my sins against the Righteous Holy God and that I was His.  
  If you are struggling, I would like to encourage you, as I was encouraged all those years ago, to read the book of 1 John in the Bible.  It has such great comfort for the wonderer and gives peace and direction whether you struggle with doubt or not.  The Bible says that faith to believe in Jesus Christ is something that the Lord gives.  Ask Him for it; He wants you more than you could ever want Him.  Run to Him!  He is gracious and ready for you right now!


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