The Faces of Worship

  A fellow blogger shared this on her blog.   I am not able to listen to the song tonight, but look forward to doing so in the morning.  I was drawn by the quality of the photography, and then was struck with the different faces the worshipers have as they sing to their Lord.  I have never heard of this group and obviously can't see inside a person's heart, but I just imagine what they are thinking as they sing...

The girl on the left in the red cap is praising God as she watches her brothers in Christ, marveling that her Lord can save sinners and so dramatically transform lives so that they will praise Him.

The man in the collared black shirt closes his eyes as he strums and thinks about his praise-worthy God.  

In the background, a brother in Christ drops his head in humility, feeling unworthy to lift his voice in song but, knowing his worth through Christ's shed blood, holds his life out to the Lord to use however He desires. 

His sister in Christ in the plaid shirt sings with her head back, resting in the Capable and All-Powerful arms of her Mighty God.  She cannot even express how tired she is, but she knows how Able He is.

To her left in the "middle ground", the second guitarist in the sock cap focuses on getting the notes right, squinting as he prays that somehow Christ might be glorified through his weak effort.  

And all the other believers in the picture, whatever their state, have one desire: they must meet with the Lord, must find Him, despite all that is taking place in their personal lives and in the world.  He is their Hope and He is More Than Enough. 

These are just my thoughts about this picture.  I have no idea where these worshippers' hearts really are, but I've been in almost all of "the shoes" I've described.  I want to know Him more and what a glorious thing it is to be on the journey with others who desire the same!

If you have a minute, why don't you hop over to Tasha's blog where I found this picture and link and read her great post about "Same" from Five Minute Friday!


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