Write 31: Almost

It was almost raining as I headed down my driveway.  I say almost, it actually had been raining off and on all day, but now the rain had paused again and I was heading out into the grayness for a lovely walk down our gravel lane.  I used to dislike rain, but due to Kyrie's love of it, I have grown to like it as well.  
  The sky was overcast and wonderful and I watched a new calf scampering in the windiness across the pasture.  It stopped in surprise as a flash of lightning snaked down the sky a few miles away.  
  I didn't know how long I had before the clouds would open up again, but I was enjoying the walk.  I turned around at my grandparent's house.  I had to get something from inside and when I was ready to leave I could hear a downpour.  I debated whether to stay inside 'til it slacked up a little, but I decided since it was so warm to just enjoy it and run home.  Besides, I had my umbrella. 
  I couldn't keep a laugh from bursting out as I splashed down the lane in the downpour.  Probably will be the last rain I enjoy this year.  It has almost gotten too cold for a run like that.  I reveled in the currents that covered my flip-flops and surged around my ankles.  Lightning flashed and I was getting soaked, but I was loving it.  
  I wish that everyone could have that kind of fun.  Freeness, laughter, a run in the rain, before winter almost overtakes us.  Pure happiness.  I almost wish that autumn could stay forever. 


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