Write 31: Bacon

  When I was a child, oatmeal was "weekday breakfast fare" and on Saturdays, Mother fixed a "special breakfast."  One of the "special foods" was bacon which, somewhere along the line, creative Kyrie or myself decided we would pretend was scorpion.  Was this because of the imaginative play that my Mother inspired through the crafts and play things she would provide?  Or was it because novel ideas, far away places, and exotic foods were part of our growing up and our heritage?  
  My grandparents were missionaries in three South American countries for about 34 years all told.  Missionary blood is in my veins, and bacon, with it's well-done curling "endpoints" looked a whole lot like the tails of the scorpions on the traveling shows we would watch on Sunday evenings after church with my Dad.  My mother grew up on the mission field, she would read missionary stories to Ky and myself as we were growing up, "the world" was at our fingertips, and "foreign lands" were more familiar to me than an icee from the gas station.  (Yes, I still remember wondering what that thing was my friend was slurping away on.  No, I was not a deprived child.)
  So, what will the Lord do with me?  Where will He have taken me when the story of my life is all told?  I can only imagine.  And wish and pray and prepare as best I can so that wherever, whenever, however, I can eagerly say, "Lord, here I am.  Whether You call me to a place that eats bacon or fried scorpion, I'm ready--with Your help!  Here am I, send me!"
Five Minute Friday is a blog get-together hosted by Kate Motaung.  You can link up with us over at her spot in the bloggosphere where you can read her post about bacon, as well as meet up with some other fantastic writers! And if you're wondering what Write 31 is, I'll let you discover what this brilliant is idea for yourself! :) 


  1. Lovely post and lovely memories! :) Your grandparents must have been wonderful people! :)


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