Write 31: Calling

(Write 31 is a division of Five Minute Friday {which I have become addicted to!}.  Throughout the month of October, writers all over the blogo-sphere get to write for five minutes each day based on a selected word provided by the Five Minute Friday team!  I didn't do it last year, but this year, I hope to keep up with it as much as possible!)  So here we go, trying my hand at Calling:
When I heard that the topic was going to be Calling, I automatically thought of the verse in the Bible that says, "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus" penned by Paul in Philippians 3:14.  But when I was talking to my mother about the topic, she brought to my mind my favorite Bible story about the young man Samuel, dedicated to the service of God's house.  Early in Samuel's life, the Lord visited him at night calling out to him and saying, "Samuel, Samuel!"  The boy didn't know what was going on, first going to his teacher, (Eli, an official at the Temple during that time), thinking that he was the one calling his name.  After a few times of the boy waking the old man up to ask him why he was calling his name, the man figured out that the Lord was trying to get Samuel's attention.  Eli advised the boy, "When he calls to you again, say 'Speak, Lord, for thy servant heareth."  The way that Bible story was presented to me all those years ago when I myself was just a young child both endeared Samuel to me and etched onto my mind the fact that he was a willing servant for the Lord, ready to say "Here am I, send me!"  
  What calling has the Lord placed on my life?  As His servant, I may not hear His voice audibly as Samuel did, but I can be assured that He has many things for me to do as I peer into His Holy Word and gain wisdom about the course my life should take.  In talking to a friend yesterday, I learned that he feels that the Lord is calling him to become a pastor.  Wow, I thought, I'm not sure I would be brave enough for that (not that I think woman pastorships are appropriate).  (Stop.)  But whether I am brave enough to do one thing or another or not, God is my Ultimate Authority.  When He calls, the wisest (and most satisfying) thing to do is respond humbly and quickly, "Speak, Lord, for Your servant is listening.  Here I am, willing and ready to do whatever You want of me."

(Corrections and additions are shown as parentheticals and following "Stop".)


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