Write 31: Green

Yay! It's Friday and I'm joining up with the fun "gaggle" of writers at Kate Motaung's place! Check out that corner of the blogosphere for some wonderful posts on Green!  We're also continuing with Day 16 of October's Write 31! 

Green reminds me of yesterday when I went for a "jaunt" with my dear Mother over the pastures that suround our house.  Her cousin is a cattleman and the fields he owns often call to me to run over them with full-out abandon, only thing is, I rarely do for the lack of decorum it would show. (ha!)  But yesterday, we decided to go for a trek across the green.  It was a beautiful afternoon and we had a wonderful time walking together, not necessarily talking, just being in companionship, sometimes commenting about how things have grown up or changed.  
  It's all my great-grandfather's land, so beautiful, so rolling, so peaceful.  I love this land, this full-of-green-ness.  My cousin has taken such good care of it and has put it to such good use as he raises his herds.  
  At one point, Mother and I came to a beautiful meadow hidden away behind the woods.  "Time me, please, and when I get to that patch of light on the farther side, I'll yell 'yoo!' and you can stop the timer!" Mother good-naturedly agreed and I took off.  What a feeling of elation as I took my pell-mell course against the land that was once my grandfather's Papa's.  What a joy and delight to enjoy the green with my dear Mother! 

What about you?  What places delight you? 


  1. Yeah, you, for letting go of decorum and enjoying the pleasure of running "pell-mell." The image makes me smile and it is wonderful that you shared those moments with your mother. Thanks for your post. Visiting from Five Minute Friday. Blessings.


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