Write 31: Home

  Home is such a nice word to me.  It conjures up a myriad of memories and warm feelings.  It is the place I like best to sleep at at night.  It is where those I love the dearest are.  It is where I get to eat my favorite foods.  It is the place that has seen me grow up and mature into a woman.  
  Home does not mean the same thing for everyone, though.  Today I got to witness that firsthand.  I was visiting a rehabilitation center with some friends from my church.  One of the ladies in the group was sharing a Bible lesson and I was sitting listening on a couch with another friend.  Suddenly my friend nudged me.  Across the room, one lady was crying quietly under her breath.  I didn't know what to do and remainded where I was for a few minutes but then I decided to get up and go over.  What a sad experience she is having right now.  Obviously, she has been removed from her home for some reason, whether it be due to a fall or injury or illness.  What a strange place with so many different and new people for her to have to get used to!  
  You know, in the Biblical book of John, I read that Jesus says those who believe in Him are guaranteed a home that is beautiful, peaceful, and unchangeable.  There will be no removing from that place; the Father has a spot for everyone Who believes in His Son.  Now Jesus Christ is readying things for those who love Him and soon I and others like me will get to go to that place! {Stop} I am guaranteed a place in that home through the faith I have in Jesus Christ.  My own worth has not secured this position for me, but simply God's mercy in forgiving me of my sins.  The Bible says "That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved" Romans 10:9.  There's a place guaranteed for any who put their trust in Christ, the Son of God!  Won't you come home with me through believing in Jesus?


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