Write 31: Joy

Every time I go in the campus library, I inevitably see or encounter one of the happiest people I ever remember meeting.  I call her "Miss Iris".  She's perky, sweet, and is either smiling, laughing, or about to.  She works at her job efficiently and is constantly inquiring about her coworkers or other students on campus.  I absolutely love her, with her encouraging and contagious bubbly laugh and smiling face.
  Isn't joy an absolutely wonderful thing?  It's probably one of the only things {that we might rightly} envy.  When another person has joy, it makes it "want-able". 
  True joy comes from knowing Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.  Things may provide happiness for a short time, but eventually their pleasure fades.  Knowing Jesus produces a joy that surpasses circumstances and situations.  We read this in Paul's letter to the church at Philippi in {his book called} Philippians.  Time after time, Paul exhibits a joyful spirit, despite being confined in one of the worst prisons that correctional systems have known.  "Rejoice!" Paul writes. {Phil. 4:4.} "Be joyful in Christ for me, for, even though I'm bound, God's Word is not!" {Phil. 1:12-18.}  What an attitude! One that I would like to have more of!  So many times, I get caught  up in situations, that I fail to focus on what really matters.  {Stop.}  Knowing Christ, though, puts things in proper perspective and provides me with a joy that can't be manufactured or gotten from any source other than Him!  His glory and His kingdom are the most important things, why do I so easily focus on things that don't really matter?  He is inspiring joy in me, and with His help, I will serve Him and focus on His eternal kingdom--with joy!


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