Write 31: Offer


What do I have to offer my God?  He doesn't need anything that I can give Him and all that I have has come from His hand, so it's not that I have anything of my own self that He doesn't have.  It's all His. Yet there are two things that I am thinking of that I must give and offer to Him.

First is my praise. Throughout the Bible and especially in the Psalms, the Bible commands God's people to give Him the praise due to His name.  His name is worthy, holy, righteous, trustworthy, pure, faithful, and a strong tower for His people.  Therefore I must give to Him my songs of praise, my words of praise, and a life of praise.  This will involve getting to know Him through spending time reading His precious words written down for me and in meditation and communication with Him in quiet alone moments throughout each day.

The second thing I must offer my Lord is my life.  All of it.  I have started reading Andrew Murray's Absolute Surrender {You can get it, too, without charge by downloading e-sword to your computer and then downloading Murray's book to your e-sword account!} and already, not but just a few paragraphs in, I am convicted by my lack of total surrender to the King of the Universe and the One Who took my ransom price upon His shoulders.  How much I owe Him!  Jesus Christ died taking the punishment of my sins!  How ought I to ever live in gratitude knowing that I have a debt I can never repay, but out of pure love for my New Master I ought to ever strive to serve and give Him my everything.  

The gifts we lift up to our Creator when given in humility and simplicity of heart are precious offerings through Jesus Christ His Son.  So let me offer.  



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