Write 31: Patience

As little as I want to admit it, I have come to the conclusion that I am not a vey patient person.  I hope that other people will give me the time I need to formulate my thoughts and express them verbally, but when others need the same amount of time, sad to say, I find myself sometimes looking at the clock or anxiously wondering if they will ever be able to get it all out.  Thankfully, my Heavenly Father is not at all like this.  He is so patient with me.  After all these years, He continues to keep me and let me take as long as I need to get out one thought to Him, or, (even more monumental!), learn and re-learn and re-re-learn (that's probably not a word) lessons that He patiently presents and teaches me.  I remarked to my best friend once that the books written by the Apostle Peter, (1 & 2 Peter) must have been written for me.  Peter constantly uses words like, "Remember" and "I'm writing to remind you".  I'm such a forgetful person only the Lord could have shown me such patience!  
  I can't exclude dear friends and family memebers though.  They have seen so many of my hang-ups and hard times and yet have given me so much love and shown me patience beyond what I deserve.  
  Both my Lord and my support group of family and friends cause me to want that kind of patience in myself.  A patience that lovingly supports a friend who stumbles (yet again!) a child's carelessness, or waiting in line.
In keeping with the word patience, I found this verse concerning my Precious Lord: Romans 15:5, "Now the God of patience and consolation grant you to be likeminded one toward another according to Christ Jesus:"  How apt is His Word!


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