Write 31: Purple

  "Oh! then repeat the truth that never tires;
   No God is like the God my soul desires;
   He at whose voice heaven trembles, even He,
   Great as He is, knows how to stoop to me."
                                 Charles H. Spurgeon,  
Morning and Evening Daily Readings, p.544


Pure at heart
Right with Almighty God
Pleasing in His sight through Jesus' blood
Loved by a merciful Father
Eternally secure in His arms

How can a Holy God love me?  I get upset so easily at those who offend.

When my own fist connects solidly with my jaw, I find I cannot blame them if it is only their glove on my hand.

Where does forgiveness come from when confidence has been broken?
From Christ alone Who has forgiven me.

In whom can I find peace when the world I have neatly concocted is raveling to shreds?
In Christ alone Who has my life safely, securely in His hands, from Whom I will never fall away.

My confidence in man can be shaken, broken, utterly destroyed, but my God never lets me down, He never disappoints me, He never causes me to be ashamed.

A compliment about my purple dress can send me on a high, but only God, my God, truly satisfies. 

He is my One True Love, my First and Only.  He knew me before I was born, loved me despite all the sin that I would commit against His Holy Righteous Self. How precious He is! How awesome and worthy of adoration!

Lord, my life is in Your hands, You have my future just as You hold my present and my past.  Though I cannot see ahead for all the fog, Thou Who art above the fog art in control of me below and are not afraid or troubled at a bit of weather.  I love You, You give me reason to trust in Who You are.  Keep me confident in You alone.  



  1. This was a neat twist on the word! Good prose-style post.

    Soli Deo Gloria!



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