Write 31: Ready

  I really have been struggling with trusting the Lord for some reason. 
  All these things have piled up in my life and I haven't just turned them over to my Great and All-Capable, Loving Father as I should have.  
  I've gotten so stressed out and it's time to return.  I am ready to be rid of all these things and, with empty arms, again reach up to my Father and worship Him like He deserves.
  You see, when my arms are filled with "my things" and "my worries" trying to juggle them keeps me so distracted that I can't pay attention to my Worthy Lord.  And, wow, do I feel yucky-sick inside because of it!
  So, I'm ready to come back.
  I look at the "now" and am confused and unable: it's time to give it up. I'm ready. 
  I look at the "yet to come" and am uncertain and easily concermed about it: it's time to surrender all of that to my Father.  I'm ready.
  I find that I am unable to give it all up, to submit myself to His design and will.  He is able, though, and as I come before Him with arms and hands full, struggling to lift them up to His able hands, I find that He is ready, too.  He has been ready all along to reach down and take all these troubles which are tremendously huge to me, but only bits and particles to Him.  In His hands, troubles aren't so big or so important.  There where He can work on them and with them, I can leave them and just sit before Him, with eyes wide and heart full of only Him.  


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