Write 31: Silence

Sometimes singleness can feel like a long silence.  A space of nothingness when no real activity is going on and waiting is basically all that is occurring.  On the other hand, recently the Lord has helped me with just getting up and getting on with doing things that count for eternity.  
  He has inspired such a wonderful zeal and passion again with my precious little class of Cubbies during Awana on Wednesday nights.  
  He has given me such a sweet group of ladies to corral these squirming, curious, loving, active little bodies and I feel so blessed. 
  Not that this time of singleness is so wonderful that I am perfectly content with being single for the rest of my life.  Yes, I really would like to be married someday (soon, preferably!).  Yes, I really would like to be a mother with little darlings of my own to raise for the glory of God, but until then, with the Lord's help, I give up this silence for Him to fill with a song for Himself.  A song interwoven with intricate melodies and harmonies, contrasting patterns and accents, full of color and life.  A song that only He Himself can produce and that only He deserves to have played in His honor.  
  Lord, fill up this silence with praise for Your name.  Let me give You all my dreams and my hopes.  Help me give You all my dreams, all my wishes and longings.  You are worthy whether I ever have a man of my own or not.  You are glorious and I will praise You!  Thank you for this special time in my life and may You be exalted through it!


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