Write 31: Temporary

  I examine my toenails.  The paint's so chipped, I should take it off soon.  
  I've been missing keeping up with my guitar.  The callouses on my fingertips aren't what they should be.       
  Nail polish and callouses: temporary.  
  What if what I'm spending most of my life doing is temporal?  
   Is it?  
   It's a shuddering-hard question to face.  When all of this life is up for me, will I have spent it on things amounting to sawdust....or jewels?  
   The things we do for Christ and with His strength aren't temporary.  They last forever.  They are what I really want to be doing.  
   Sometimes I imagine, from reading His Word, coming up to His Throne with my head bent low when I finally reach His Presence, coming up to His feet and having piles of jewels, (time well-spent), to lay before Him.  That's what I want to do, at least.    
  What shame to come boldly to His Throne with sacks full to bursting--only to set them down and see, to my horror, that they were only filled with sawdust.  
  And what are those jewel-things?  those things that truly honor my King?  
  Prayer.  Ah, how I fail in that area! {Help me, my Lord, to do better!}  
  Telling others about my Blessed Savior. Yes, I fail there, too! 
  Trusting Him is yet another.  Wow. Strike three. 
  And these are just a few examples!  Yet, He gives me another day, another opportunity to get up, and seek His face, and learn better how I am to live this life He's loaned me.  
  It's definitely not in my strength that I can do better!  It's not by my ability that I could ever present to Him something worthwhile!  It must be all of Him, all through Jesus Christ, my Righteous Redeemer, Who sacrificed Himself for me despite my worthlessness and makes me able to serve Him despite my weakness and failures.  How great an Eternal God is mine!  With His help, I'll live for more than "things temporary". 


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