Write 31: Value

  "This is Serenity.  I call her Ren,"  my little chocolate-chip-cookie girl grinned up at me.  Her friend stood beside her looking awkward and uncertain.  Her bangs were choppy and her face was chubby.  Her clothes reeked of nicotine.  
  "How old are you, Serenity?" I asked trying to make the little girl feel comfortable.
  "Four," she said.
  "Wow!" I was surprised. "You're tall!"  
  During the evening as we moved through the pledges, song time, color time, puppet time, and lesson time, I tried to make an effort with her as well as my other Cubbies.  She was shy, a little unsure. I sensed that some of the people around didn't think much of her.  I didn't like that, but I could also sense a bit of aloofness coming up in me.  
  Value.  This precious little child has so much value in the eyes of the Heavenly Father.  She was here, right in my class room!  I got to teach her about her great Creator, got to hold her hand, complement her artwork, comment about random things.  Did she see her value through me? or did she know that I had a hard time with the smell of her clothes sometimes, the awkwardness of her enthusiasm once she warmed up?  I sure hope not.  What a precious soul to my Savior!  She has value and I want her to know that she is loved!
  Lord, help me to love the people you put into my life.  Not just those that are "lovable", but those that don't fit my stereotypical ideas, those that are considered "misfits" in society.  Change my heart and fill it with genuine love for others.  Cause me to see the value You place on souls.   
{I put some of these thoughts into a poem here.}


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