Write 31: Wave

                          A Prayer
  Oh Father, I am so fickle.  I remind myself of the wave of the sea that James wrote about.  {James 1:5-8.} How ashamed I am of what I see myself to be! 
  As if I could play with Your trustworthiness! I seem to have one of those little yard flowers in my hand, but instead of "He loves me", I say, "I trust Him, I trust Him not" with every pinch of those precious petals.  Oh, how horrid, this wave that is me! Oh Father, is there still cure for one like me?  
  You are the One Who said to the wind and the waves, "Peace, be still."  Can You calm me?  Not that I wonder if You can, but would You please?  
  You are the One Who walked out on those waves and had no fear of falling through them.  You are the Master of all waves.  Master me.  Overcome my fickleness.  
  You are the One Who caught Peter as he was sinking in the waves.  Catch me as I sink down in my wavely-ness.  Only You can save my sinking nature.  Only You can change me from this instability to being a steadfast, immovable, trusting child of Yours.  Will You help me?  
  I know You will.  You say that You will never leave me or forsake me.  You tell me that You are the Author and Finisher of my faith.  You say that I am Yours, that You have chosen me and You will never give up on me.  Why?  Only because of Your mercy, I see.  It's not because of me, Precious Savior.  So rescue, so calm, so be the Master of me, this wave.  


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