Write 31: Worth


Worthy is the King of creation! Worthy is the Lamb, the Son of God, Who was killed for our sins and raised back to life after three days! Worthy of honor and dominion and might and power! Worthy of glory and praise!  My God reigns and He is so worthy! 

  How often do I give to Him the praise and glory due Him, though?  The Bible says that one day, every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father, but how much bowing of my knees and humbling of my heart do I do before Him now?  Not nearly what He's worth!   

  Recently, though, He has again encouraged my heart in the matter of prayer to approach His Throne of Grace more often and to obtain mercy and help in my times of need.  Before I meet those times of need, though, I ought to be giving Him my {undistressed moments of} time--He's definitely worth it! After all, how much He has done for me even though I was completely unworthy! 

  Through the precious righteous blood of Jesus Christ He made me worthy!  It's still something I cannot fathom or explain but it is a free gift offered to anyone who will believe in it and repent of their sins before God! 

  How can it be that the King of the Universe could make an unworthy sinner like myself have worth?  I shake my head in awe.  Therefore, because of this, how much worth I feel He has!  I come before Him, humbly.  I know not how to give Him what He is due, but by His help I offer my little life for His use, for He is worthy!



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