Five Minute Friday: Focus

Today joining Five Minute Friday after long last!  The word is Focus.  (Why don't you come along with me and see what my fellow FMF writers have to say about focusing?) 


   "I have trouble focusing sometimes," he said.  I smiled; I had noticed.  But then, I had trouble with getting distracted easily myself, so who was I to judge?  Still though, inside I thought, "Just focus." 

  In life, besides getting distracted with irrelevant movement and noise, we're bombarded with irrelevant information, even faulty news that can have a damaging affect on our lives if we're not careful.  

  Recently I got a jolt to realize that, spiritually, I was looking pretty bankrupt.  I began to take in large chunks of Scripture, trying to focus again on Christ, trying to get back into alignment with my Lord.  

   Mercifully, it is working.  The Lord has worked (and is working) to "regain my full face" that was pulled away and not focusing on His wonderful face.  

  He's also teaching more about trusting Him.  

  For years I have know that He is trustworthy, but there was always that nagging thought in the back of my mind, "But can /I/ trust Him?"  Not that He is worthy of being doubted, but am I able to trust? to put my full weight against Him and know that He will hold me up?  Do I have that ability or am I hopeless?  

  Yes, I am hopeless.  Without Christ, I am hopeless.  But through Christ, I am the victor as He patiently teaches me to focus on Him and put my full weight and all my trust in Him.  

  Tonight I am stretching out my hand, reaching toward focusing on the gloriousness of my Savior.  Will you join me?  



  1. May God continue to draw you closer and closer to his side. Life is a photo safari, and it's easy to lose our focus or keep zooming around and looking at the things that don't really matter.


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