Five Minute Friday: Forget

  Finally rejoining my fellow-writers at Kate Motaung's mighty-Friday link-up!  Today's word, forget, is just right for sharing some great thoughts I caught at Desiring God today! 

So, without further ado, here we go!

  Why is it so easy to forget something that is so vital to life?  In his article, "Rest in the Prince of Peace," Jon Bloom talks about the power and blessing of prayer when we come to the Lord with all that is on our mind and let Him take the weight for us.  

  Bloom indicates that prayer is like a natural exhalation for the faith-filled believer and further says that "prayer is the native language of faith" a quote which I fell in love with.  Maybe the reason I relate to it so much is due to the topics that are on my mind of late.  

  Namely: missionaries who are ministering to tribes in their own "heart language", the issue of worry that at least three of my friends have noticed in me (a fault that sneakily has flown under my radar for far too long!), and various needs and decisions that have seemed to swamp me in my mental "quiet place".  

  Yet if, as Bloom encourages, taking "every thing to God in prayer" is the way to the blessed and peaceful life, I want to do it!  

  I want to be that follower of Christ who "breathes out prayer" like the continual intake and export of air. 

  I want Jesus Christ and the pure, good, best!, solutions of my Father to be my first thought. 

  I want the advice and wisdom I can find in the true Word of God to be the things I live by.  I don't want to forget.  

  As people ask me to pray for their needs, as decisions crop up in my life which need "urgent attention", may I forget my own "plan of attack",

or ideas,

or solutions, 

and remember to take each need humbly to my Loving Heavenly Father Who cares and can help.


  1. Great encouragement here. Thanks for your thought-provoking post. I pray also that I will remember to learn to pray like this.

    ~#89 this Wk


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