
Showing posts from July, 2016

Five Minute Friday: Protect

Joining the FMF group for a great word: protect .       Protect.  The word inspires so much in me. Today especially as I reflect on my Grandmother's short life of 86 years.  She went to be with her (and my) Savior, Jesus Christ two years ago today.     The Grandmother was a great example of protector.  At 80, she faced bringing her husband, my grandfather, home from the hospital after he experienced a debilitating stroke.  Hospital personnel said that she should put him in a veteran's home 60 miles away, but she was loyal to him and to the promise she had made to him 62 years earlier "til death do us part".  It was certainly no easy task as she had the carpet changed out for a shorter shag (easier for pushing a wheelchair on), and rearranged the furniture in almost every room of the house in order to make it easier for caring for him and to fit in the new hospital bed and lift chair.     The Grandmother also was...