Five Minute Friday: Protect

Joining the FMF group for a great word: protect
  Protect.  The word inspires so much in me. Today especially as I reflect on my Grandmother's short life of 86 years.  She went to be with her (and my) Savior, Jesus Christ two years ago today.  
  The Grandmother was a great example of protector.  At 80, she faced bringing her husband, my grandfather, home from the hospital after he experienced a debilitating stroke.  Hospital personnel said that she should put him in a veteran's home 60 miles away, but she was loyal to him and to the promise she had made to him 62 years earlier "til death do us part".  It was certainly no easy task as she had the carpet changed out for a shorter shag (easier for pushing a wheelchair on), and rearranged the furniture in almost every room of the house in order to make it easier for caring for him and to fit in the new hospital bed and lift chair.  
  The Grandmother also was big about protecting family relationships.  Even when things became strained between one member or another, the Grandmother believed in reconciliation, grace, and unconditional love.
  The Grandmother is an inspiration to me as I look forward to participating at a Joni and Friends Family Retreat this coming week in AL.  There I hope I can pass on the legacy of protecting as I will have the privilege to get to meet and interact with people with abilities different from my own, people who have been shunned, bullied, or misunderstood.  

  {Side note: Another person who fits into the "protection advocate" category is Joel Anderson, artist and animator.  I was encouraged by Mr. Anderson yesterday as I watched a video that shares his passion for standing up for and protecting those who are bullied, who have special needs or abilities, and who need a friend.}


  1. Lovely remembrances about your grandmother. She must have been so tenacious and strong.

    1. Thank you! She was! But the best part was that she realized how much she needed to rely on the Lord's strength and not her own. She often related ways that she was dependent on Him.

  2. Wonderful examples of protectors. My home grandmother was my protector when my teenage mother didn't know quite what to do. May we all aspire to leave such a legacy. - Your FMF friend.

    1. Thank you for your comment! It is very special to have such sweet grandmothers, isn't it?


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