Wintertide Tractations: Guard

Wintertide Tractations: Guard


{Disclaimer: I write using pseudonyms for most people and places directly involved with my life.} 

Our pastor at Victory Road Baptist Church where my family and I are members has been preaching through the book of Ephesians on Sunday nights.  In our study, Bro. Earl had taught into chapter 5 now and we have encountered the fact that being Spirit-filled will cause us to be thankful, will cause us to sing to ourselves or aloud (despite whether our voices are  "good quality" or not), will make us submissive to each other in the Lord (5:18-21).  

Now we are looking to begin those commands that are directed specifically to groups of believers in the church.  Wives are addressed in 5:22-24, husbands in 5:28-33, children in 6:1-3, fathers in 6:4, servants 6:5-8, masters 6:9.   Before we can understand those positions and the responsibilities that the Lord has placed on each, Bro. Earl wanted to reiterate the need to be Spirit-filled, submissive, thankful, and "songful".  (My word; not one that he used.)  He also gave us a background of the times and situations happening when Paul penned this Spirit-inspired Book.  This teaching went in direct contrast to the culture of his day, where much of the immorality we are seeing in America was rampant.  It goes in direct contrast to the sinfulness of man in any age.

One of the things Bro. Earl addressed was the sacred quality of marriage.  To follow this Biblical model in a marriage is to guard one's spouse and to see the best relationship that the Lord would have us experience.  
In marriages where two, naturally selfish people are constantly looking out for themselves, it's no wonder we see the demise of so many homes today.  But when the husband and wife are each seeking Christ, seeking to be Spirit-filled, seeking to be thankful, submissive, and singing in their hearts to the Lord, things look vastly different.  Beautiful, in fact!  My pastor wants to guard his marriage, he wants each married couple to guard their marriage, but far more than my pastor's wishes, the Lord wants to be our Guard.  

Although I am not married, it was a sweet thing to encounter this exposition of verses I had read over almost my entire life and yet had never seen in this way.  Putting this formula into practice isn't something I can do without Christ, but as I seek Him, I look forward to seeing Him produce these attributes in me!


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