
Showing posts from September, 2015

Like Father, Like Son

Solomon wrote, "Let not thine heart envy sinners: but be thou in the fear of the LORD all the day long" as one of his many proverbs (Proverbs 23:17).  This is beautiful, but when seen in light of the fact that his father was David, it is even more so.  Years before as a shepherd alone in the fields tending unpleasant-smelling, wandering sheep, David had penned beautiful words unto his God.  Although this psalm does not specifically denote who wrote it, perhaps it was David that said, "Let my mouth be filled with thy praise and with thy honour all the day." (Psalm 71:8).  Whether David wrote this or not, even when all alone in the pasture, David knew that the Lord was worthy to be praised.  His love and devotion carried over into the life of his son who similarly took note of the fact that Lord was to be feared all throughout the day.  What an amazing legacy!  It is crucial that I cultivate a personal, dedicated relationship with my Precious Lord! ...

Five Minute Friday: Doubt

The day is Friday. The word is Doubt. The time is starting... Right Now! What alot I could say about the savage Doubt!  It's like a slave-driver, relentless, pursuing, evil. What a horrid bondage the Lord has realeased me from!   I once was held captive by this foe!  For years I struggled with wondering the most important question of a soul's existence: Am I right before the eyes of my Creator?   I had had "an experience" when I was a child, but at the age of twelve I began to wonder what had happened in those childhood moments.  I was without rest: I did not know whether I had truly repented of my sins before Jesus Christ, whether I had believed as I should have.  The Bible says that whoever calls upon the name of the Lord in repentance for their sins and in faith in Jesus Christ's death on the cross and resurrection, can be saved.  For some reason though, I grappled with question after question.  I worried, I dreaded church-related activities. I...

Five Minute Friday: Celebrate

The word is celebrate, and 'though there are SO MANY things I could write about celebrations and celebrating, I decided on the idea that first came to mind... Go: My mother's cousin passed away.  It was unexpected.  A shock.  The details were disturbing and made me think about a dear friend of mine, the mother of some acquaintances, who died through mysterious events a few years ago around this time of year.   I think about her every year as fall comes on and miss her.   But then, {as I pondered it today} I thought, what a grand celebration for both my cousin and friend!  Wow! My cousin has been suffering in a fragile body for so many years.  My imagination can't even do Heaven justice as I think about the grandeur that he must be experiencing now reunited with his parents, grandparents, my grandmother, and Most Important of All, his Savior Jesus! I think too about Mrs. C., a pastor's wife, vibrant, a godly mother...  She's still rejoici...

The Faces of Worship

  A fellow blogger shared this on her blog.   I am not able to listen to the song tonight, but look forward to doing so in the morning.   I was drawn by the quality of the photography, and then was struck with the different faces the worshipers have as they sing to their Lord.  I have never heard of this group and obviously can't see inside a person's heart, but I just imagine what they are thinking as they sing...   The girl on the left in the red cap is praising God as she watches her brothers in Christ, marveling that her Lord can save sinners and so dramatically transform lives so that they will praise Him.   The man in the collared black shirt closes his eyes as he strums and thinks about his praise-worthy God.   In the background, a brother in Christ drops his head in humility, feeling unworthy to lift his voice in song but, knowing his worth through Christ's shed blood, holds his life out to the Lord to use however He desires.  His si...

Five Minute Friday: Same

It has been too long since I got to do Five Minute Friday and I have been missing it!  To find out more about Five Minute Friday, check out Kate Motaung . So, without further ado, let's start the timer! I'm not the same as I used to be.  About eight years ago or more I underwent a drastic change.  I found out that I was a sinner, guilty before my Righteous Holy Creator and that I was worthy of punishment.  I also discovered that my Creator had sent His Son to this earth to die and take the punishment that I should receive and that if I would put my trust in Him and repent of the wrongs I had committed against Him, I could have forgiveness, mercy without charge.  Now things are completely different.  I'm still the same me, but I'm also so different. "What has changed?" you ask. I still have the same blonde hair, the same chubby cheeks, but inside my heart, Jesus, the Son of God, is King and reigns.  Therefore, I'm not the same as I was.  What He de...