A Love like Jesus'
It wasn't very long ago that I first "met" Roger Flournoy Jr. via a short documentary of sorts produced by the Austin Stone Community Church. Mr. Flournoy has cerebral palsy, but despite the challenges that this presents, he is a passionate and convicting example of choosing to have faith and be joyful in the Lord. Today as I was reading some of his tweets, I found this excellent quote : "My goal for this year is only to love people the way that Jesus loves them." Mr. Flournoy's goal challenges me. In a world that knows "love" primarily as "showing affection (or doing whatever it takes) to gain whatever I want", the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ is completely baffling. If I were to passionately, honestly pursue this goal, what a drastic change would take place! Of course, it is necessary to find out what the love of Jesus Christ really looks like; therefore, a continual taking in ...